Sunday, February 17, 2008

What is Totipotent Cells?

Totipotent Cells

From the zygote which divides to form an embryo springs forth every type of cell in the body,‭ ‬of which there are over‭ ‬200,‭ ‬and all the tissues required for the placenta.‭ ‬Because of this,‭ ‬these very early cells which,‭ ‬in humans,‭ ‬occur just in the first four days following fertilisation,‭ ‬are termed totipotent.‭ ‬Toti-‭ ‬is from the latin‭ ‬totus,‭ ‬meaning whole‭ (‬the same root of the word total‭)‬,‭ ‬and potent being from the latin‭ ‬potens meaning to be able‭; ‬thus the cell is able to produce any other cell.‭

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